Sensei Pat (Paraguay)

Pat has more than 16 years experience in the martial arts. At least five of those years were spent getting hands on experience by working as a nightclub bouncer in London, UK.

He has been privileged to study under some of the finest instructors from around the world including Shihan Thaya Moodaley and Sensei Mike Nowick (Atemi-Jujitsu), Professor Mauricio Motto Gomez and Roger Gracie (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Alex Livingstone (Total Grappling) and Guro Terry Barnett (JKD & Kali).

Pat holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Atemi-Jujitsu under Soke Ben Mängels (10th Dan and Founder of the South African Institute of Unarmed Combat) and Shihan Thaya Moodelay (7th Dan and retired Head of the SAIUC and current President of the International South African Institute of Unarmed Combat). He also holds a blue belt student rank in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Mauricio Motto Gomez. Pat is certified as an instructor in Guro Terry Barnett’s Integrated Arts System and may teach the methods as practiced within its curriculum including: Jun Fan Martial Arts (Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do Concepts), Filipino Martial Arts (Inosanto/Lacoste Kali), Muay Thai (or Thai Boxing) and Western Boxing.

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