Atemi-Jujitsu was developed by Soke Mängels, a Close Quarters Battle (CQB) instructor to the South African and British Special Forces. The close military background of Atemi-Jujitsu has resulted in a no-nonsense self defence system mindful of the the need for simple, practical and effective self defence techniques. Atemi-Jujitsu covers cover all the ranges of combat; from long range kicking and punching, to close contact grappling and ground fighting. Atemi-Jujitsu specialises in defending when out-numbered and out-armed.
Atemi-Jujitsu focuses on disabling the aggressor with attacks to his vital-points (organs, nerves, vessels, and meridian points), before using breaking, throwing, choking or holding techniques. Emphasis is placed on correct movement and evasion. The basis for the inclusion of a technique in the system is that it should work in the street against different types of aggressors – and should pose the minimum risk to the defending person. All techniques are in keeping with the principle of ju yoku go o sei suru (the soft conquers the hard) on which jiu jitsu is based.
The Atemi-Jujitsu practitioner is taught to use a variety of weapons. Hands, feet, elbows knees, fingers, and even the head form the practitioner’s personal weapons arsenal. The atemi jitsu-ka is also taught how to apply combat takedowns, throws, joint-locks and strangles. Traditional “covert” martial arts weapons, including the nunchaku (rice flails), bo (staff), hanbo (baton), and tanto (knife) are taught. In addition, the practitioner learns to use whatever is available to defend him or herself (broom, belt, chair etc). In learning how to use weapons, the practitioner gains a greater understanding in how to defend against an attacker with a weapon.
Atemi-Jujitsu is an ever evolving system. Shihan Thaya has always encouraged all his Sensei to do so and Sensei Clinton and Sensei Philip. We are honoured to stand on the shoulders of giants – our mentors and teachers Soke Ben and Shihan Thaya.
“Since combat is always changing, the individual must be able to adapt and function in many different modes. The goal is self-improvement, not competition or adherence to any style” Shihan Thaya Moodaley